Our Story

Fiadh & Fauna is a Sustainable Eco Friendly Organic Clothing Brand.The brand has been created & developed by two sisters based in County Meath.


Fiadh & Fauna was created in July 2022 with a big vision of creating a sustainable eco – friendly, affordable clothing brand that benefits the world we live in & the wildlife that surrounds us. As consumers we have so much power to change the world by just being careful what we buy.


Since the very start of our small business journey our mission was to have people, the planet and wildlife at the heart of everything we do with making sustainable choices every step of the way. 

The meaning behind our brand name Fiadh – the name Fiadh is Irish in origin, coming from a word meaning “deer”, “wildness” but also “respect”.

The meaning behind the word Fauna is animals of Ireland.

Our business name was chosen to represent Ireland, Animals and to respect all nature and wildlife.

5%  of every sale goes directly to Wildlife charities and Wildlife hospitals in Ireland which provide valuable education, rehabilitation, treatments, fundraising and more.

Thank you for supporting Irish wildlife, the planet & our Irish business.

Lisa & Rebecca

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